Ah, let's see. Where do I want to start. With this: http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20110929/NEWS03/109290342/Six-schools-share-3-6M?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Local
Does anybody really believe that more money will make a difference? If you do, then I have a bridge in brooklyn I'd like to sell you and some ocean front property in tennessee.
I like how they call it a "grant". As if it isn't tax payer's money! smh!
Or, how about this: http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20110926/NEWS03/109260332/Grant-educates-core-standards?odyssey=mod_sectionstories
Another example of statism penning the sheeple! EDUCATION IS A STATE RESPONSIBILITY! NOT DC's!
But, hey, that's how you get the federal dollars, right? smh again!
For instance, parents will know when their child is supposed to master multiplication. If that subject hasn't been taught, a parent will know to ask questions, Johnson said
Are you kidding me? Parents don't already know when their child is supposed to master multiplication?
That subject? Is multiplication a subject now?
These "standards" are based on a very idiotic age based education. Why do we group kids based on age? Why not based on ability and development?
That would be too much like right!